Members Plan

I. Learning and Teaching



Not Basic








1.       Information literacy standards are integrated into all instruction


Information literacy skills are embedded into resource-based teaching across the curriculum and are focused on how to find information. Students learn to use library materials in the context of classroom content.


LMP provides essential support to the curriculum. Students learn information literacy skills through the collaborative efforts of teachers and the LMS and extend beyond location to analysis, evaluation, and the use of information.


LMP is a catalyst for intellectual inquiry.  Students learn to incorporate information literacy skills into their work and become proactive users of information and resources.


2.       Student reading, writing, viewing, listening, speaking is supported and promoted


LMP regularly promotes reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening for enjoyment, enrichment, and understanding to all students.


LMP regularly promotes reading, viewing, and listening to all students and offers special events incorporating viewing, listening, writing and speaking.


Writing, viewing, reading, speaking, and listening for learning and for enrichment characterizes the school-wide culture and the LMP is recognized for its leadership.


3.       Diverse learning styles are supported


LMP and collection supports diverse learning abilities, styles, and needs.


LMP and collection employ collaborative methods to accommodate diverse learning abilities, styles, and needs


LMP and collection is recognized as supporting School-wide programs that enable and encourage students to use their own learning styles, abilities, and needs to solve complex information problems and present their solutions in various formats.


4.       Student inquiry and research process is facilitated


A research process has been identified or developed and used consistently by the LMS with students. The process includes identifying, documenting and using resources, plagiarism, and rules for citation.


A formal research process has been collaboratively identified or developed and documented by the LMS and teachers and used consistently by both. The process extends to developing topics, compiling and reporting findings, and assessment.


A formal research process has been adopted school-wide and is used in all areas of the curriculum by teachers in collaboration with the LMS and leads to student mastery of the research process.


5.       Student research is conducted across the curriculum


Most students are engaged in research in at least one area of the curriculum.


Most students are engaged in research in at least 3 areas of the curriculum.


Most students are engaged in research in all areas of the curriculum.


6.       Student achievement is assessed


LMS independently assesses student performance when working with students.


The teacher and LMS collaborate to assess student performance.


LMS’ assessment is formal and incorporated into students’ graded outcomes.


7.       Teaching is effective


LMS participates in directing student work. Effective teaching is modeled and promoted.


Teaching is generally facilitative. The teacher and/or LMS may prescribe the strategies, research questions or assessment products to be used.


Teaching is facilitative, collaborative, and creative. Reflection and authentic assessment are built into most instructional units.


8.       Technology is integrated into instruction



LMS integrates technology in instruction and student inquiry.


LMS integrates current and emerging technology in instruction and student inquiry and includes a library website that supports instruction and student inquiry.


LMC technology resources are included in the total school technology plan and are integral to all teaching and learning. 


9.       LMS and teachers collaborate


All teachers accompany classes to the LMC. At least 15% of teachers plan collaboratively in advance with the LMS to include information literacy skills in student outcomes.


50% or more of teachers collaborate with LMS to plan instruction for students.  Planning includes extensive use of LMC resources. LMS and teachers develop instructional program coordinated with core curriculum.


85% or more teachers plan collaboratively with LMS to provide learning strategies and activities for students.  LMC resources and information literacy processes are integral to instructional planning.  LMS is full partner on the school instructional team.


10.    Curriculum development is modeled and promoted


LMP reflects the curriculum and curriculum guides. Class syllabi and other basic curriculum information are provided to LMS.


School policies enable the LMS to participate in building and district-wide curriculum meetings and share knowledge of resources.


District enables the LMS to work collaboratively with administrators and teachers in planning, developing and writing curriculum.




II. Information and Access



Not Basic








11.    Collection management


LMS manages the collection in support of the curriculum and students, including timely selection of materials, cataloging, an annual inventory, and managing or overseeing circulation and overdues.


The collection management by the LMS regularly selects new material and continuously evaluates and weeds the collection in support of the school's curriculum.


LMS collaborates with teachers to develop and weed the collection in support the curriculum and receives consistent administrative support in the management of overdues.



12.    Collections are adequately funded


LMC print, non-print, and online collections are funded $18/student or more from all sources.


LMC print, non-print, and online collections are funded $21/student or more from all sources.


LMC print, non-print, and online collections are funded $25/student or more from all sources.


13.    Collections are adequate to support the curriculum and student personal interests



A collection of current materials that meet most student and curriculum needs.  Access to information in a variety of formats, i.e. books, periodicals, videos, and CD-ROMs.


A collection of 20-25 resources per student, current, weeded and responsive to curricular and recreational needs of students.  Reflects a diversity of cultures. Materials in languages other than English, as appropriate.  Access to information in books, periodicals, videos, CD-ROMs, links and electronic databases on the Internet.


A collection of 25-30 resources per student, current, weeded, and responsive to curricular and recreational needs of students.  Reflects a diversity of cultures.  Materials in languages other than English, as appropriate.  Access to information in books, periodicals, videos, CD-ROMs, links and electronic databases on the Internet.


14.    Resource sharing is supported


LMS cooperates with SLS for inter-library loans, occasionally loaning and borrowing materials, using a variety of means, including the SLS union catalog, the mails, phone or fax. Annually contributes records to the library system’s union catalog.


LMS regularly borrows and loans materials, cooperating with the SLS, and uses a variety of means, including email and the Internet. Regularly contributes records to the SLS union catalog through the year, keeping the union catalog up to date.


LMS collaborates with SLS to develop resource-sharing and with local agencies and public libraries as well, using a variety of mean, including a Web-based Inter-library loan service that it, students, and teachers can use directly.


15.    Space and furnishings are adequate


LMC space accommodates whole class. Limited space and furniture for simultaneous class, small group, and individual use. There is sufficient shelving for the collection and adequate work and storage space.


Large LMC facility.  Space and furniture available for simultaneous whole class, small group, and individual use.  At least two groups can work in LMC at the same time.


Very large LMC facility. Space and furniture for simultaneous scheduling of multiple groups of students.  May include multifunctional rooms, video studio, electronic access workstations, and teacher resource area as part of the LMC.


16.    There is equitable access to the LMC


LMC is open all day.  Some flexible access is provided. Access is not limited to a fixed-schedule for classes.


LMC open all day and before and after school.  Flexible access is provided during all hours that the school is in session allowing classes to access the library as needed.


LMC open all day, and for extended periods (evenings, weekends). Flexible schedule provides open access to all LMC resources, services and staff.



17.    A positive feeling tone is established


LMC is safe and barrier-free. Students and teachers feel welcome.  Colorful current displays abound.  Clean and well organized with clear directional signs.


LMC is inviting to all.  Students actively seek opportunities to visit the LMC to research or read. The LMC staff is proactive in meeting student and teacher needs.


LMC is the hub of the school. Students and teachers flow seamlessly between classroom and the LMC to meet curricular and recreational needs, on demand. Students consistently use the LMC on their own during and beyond the school day.


18.    Library automation is present and continuing



LMC has an integrated automated library management system for circulation and provides an automated catalog in the LMC only.


LMC provides an automated catalog outside the LMC, including in classrooms on local area networks, by dial-up or on wide area networks. Access to collections is also available on the Internet using the library system’s union catalog.


LMC provides an online catalog on the Internet using a standard Web browser, available 24/7, both in the LMC and remotely.


19.    Access to technology is adequate


LMC provides 6 or more computers to students that provide access to the Internet, CD-ROMs, the library catalog, and grade and curriculum-appropriate software. Audio-visual equipment is available to students, including a TV and VCR.


LMC provides 12 or more computers to students that are networked with high-speed access to the Internet, CD-ROMs, the library catalog, and grade and curriculum-appropriate software. At least one audio-visual station with TV, VCR and DVD is dedicated for student use.


LMC provides 24 computers to students that are networked with high-speed access to the Internet, CD-ROMs, the library catalog, and grade and curriculum-appropriate software. Computer projection equipment, digital cameras, scanners, DVD, and other media equipment with audio-visual stations dedicated to student use are also available.



III. Program Administration



Not Basic








20.    Staffing is adequate


Staffing in the LMC includes at least one full-time certified LMS and one half-time support staff.


Staffing in the LMC includes at least one full-time certified LMS and one full-time support staff.


Staffing in the LMC includes one full-time certified LMS for every 500 students served and more than one full-time support staff, the number of support staff reflecting the needs of the LMP.


21.    Administrative support is informed and continuing


School and district administrators support the LMC. These administrators schedule time to meet with the LMS occasionally.


Administrators encourage teachers to integrate classroom learning into the LMC. School, department, and district administrators meet regularly with the LMS.


LMS and school, department and district administrators, promote the LMC together as the school’s center for learning through inquiry.


22.    Professional development is supported by the LMP


The faculty uses professional resources provided by the LMC. The LMP provides individual assistance to teachers in using information technology and using this technology in designing instruction.


The school provides opportunities for the LMS to organize and facilitate some formal professional development instruction.


The school’s strategic plan includes time for the LMS to initiate, provide and coordinate professional development opportunities for self and others, including in technology and inquiry-based learning.


23.    LMS cooperation is supported


District provides its LMS occasional opportunities to meet and discuss LMP services, procedures, and concerns, as well as school policies. It appoints and supports a liaison to the school library system.


District provides its LMS opportunities to meet regularly. The school library system liaison shares the district library issues during liaison meetings, serves on committees, and attends ad hoc SLS meetings.


District encourages its LMS to meet at least monthly. District LMSs are active members of SLS, serving on committees and facilitating and providing SLS professional development and training activities.


24.       Professional development participation


LMS participates in local and regional professional development opportunities.


LMS participates in professional development opportunities, shares new ideas with the school and district, and seeks out, participates in, and promotes active involvement in diverse professional development opportunities at local, regional, and State levels.


LMS seeks out, participates in, initiates and provides diverse professional development opportunities at local, state and/or national levels.


25.    Planning is an on-going process for continuous improvement


LMS develops a written plan with a set of annual goals and objectives for the LMP.


Current and future needs for the LMP are identified by a group of LMS, teachers, parents, students, and administrators and are used to develop a long-range plan.


Short and long-range planning for the LMP reflects an on-going school-wide strategic planning process.


26.    An advisory committee supports the LMC


Library media advisory committee meets infrequently to discuss procedural issues.


Library advisory committee meets regularly to assist in planning an effective library media program and may be a sub-committee of a school-based planning committee.


Library advisory committee actively seeks ways to make the LMC the hub of teaching and learning in the school, forming a mission statement and sets goals and objectives for the LMP.


27. Communication is used effectively



LMS communicates annually to the administration, school, and community about the LMP's achievements, activities, and needs.


LMS develops and maintains a library website, and contributes to the school’s connection to home and community.


LMS is a recognized master teacher, publishes in national periodicals and on websites, applies for recognition awards and receives visits from other communities.



28.    The LMC is assessed


Self-assessment of the LMC is conducted annually, based on input and output criteria such as the number of books added, number of classes taught, and circulation statistics.


Assessment of the LMC also includes productivity measures. Additionally, teachers, students and others in the school community participate in the assessment.


Formal assessment is ongoing and makes use of State and National assessment tools. It is part of the planning, both short and long-term, both in the school and community.


29.    Intellectual Freedom is encouraged


LMC is fully committed to the concept of intellectual freedom.


LMC and staff support the concept of intellectual freedom and implement it through school policies and practices.


Entire school community supports intellectual freedom for all teachers and students and implements it through district policies and practices.


30.    Professional ethics are valued and supported


Written policies on information issues, (selection, challenges, confidentiality, Internet acceptable use, plagiarism) have been developed and approved by the school.


Teacher workshops and training on professional ethics regarding information issues are a regular part of the school’s professional development program.


LMC provides leadership to the entire school community on information issues, policy, and professional development.


31.    Copyright is an integral part of professional awareness and development


Copyright policies are adopted and available, a copyright officer is designated, and all required copyright notices have been posted in the school.


Review of copyright notices, copyright policies, and the identity of the copyright officer is presented annually to the faculty and is a regular part of the school’s professional development program.


Importance of intellectual property rights and the ethical use of intellectual property is an ongoing educational and professional initiative.



IV. Goal Setting

Library media professionals and school administrators should review the assessment rubric together and use this form to set library media program goals. Consider those areas that do not meet basic levels of performance first. Administrators and library media professionals may agree, however, that some or all of these areas are not as important as others in which the media center is already basic or proficient. They may choose to set goals in any area in which improvement will provide the greatest benefit to both the media center and the learning community the media center serves. The thirty-one performance indicators are illustrative of the many areas in which library media centers contribute to the educational community and are not meant to be prescriptive. For each goal, define action steps, responsibility, dates, and evidence of attainment.


Dates and Action Steps to Meet Goal

Who is Responsible?

Dates and Evidences of Attainment



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    Date                                   Library Media Specialist Signature   


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    Date                                       Administrator Signature    


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    Date                                       Superintendent Signature