Minutes of May Meeting
Accepted on a motion by Livia, seconded by Julia
Curriculum Websites
Roger recommended sojust.net for songs and song lyrics related to social justice issues.
Livia recommended CIA.gov for daily presidential briefs.
Jen announced that SEAL will be replaces with a simpler system in the near future.
Judy will be doing training for the medical information services database. People who are in need of medical information will be reimbursed for costs associated with getting that information.
Jen gave an overview of SENYLRC services and recommended checking out the website for CE offerings.
First meeting will take place on 9/24
Will be hosting a margarita mixer on 10/9 after Fall Into Books.
Other small events are also being planned.
Election of members
New members were unanimously elected for the 2015-2017 term on a motion by Livia seconded by Mike.
Annual Report Review
Survey showed an overall satisfaction with the program and professional development.
Some funding used to transfer mark records to RDA. The ARR was accepted on a motion by Melanie seconded by Julia.
Plan of Service
Due April 1, 2016 the summary will include goals or services the SLS should be working on or supporting with. Lynn will plan discussion time to work on plan of service, possible ½ day on 12/8/15. Lynn also mentioned that the last Plan of Service was developed to include services that needed no funding. We will consider putting ideas in the new on that include funding. We will use half the day of out December 8th meeting to work on the plan.
SLS Budget Expenditure Ideas
Lynn reported that she had $15,000 to rollover from last year in the budget we discussed some ideas on what to use that money for:
· Share an author for a week
· Site visits to exemplary libraries
· Trip to documents library in Newburgh
· Buy a tablet and Bluetooth scanner for each library
· Battle of the Books
· One book one county
Liaison Business
NYLA bookmarks were distributed to all school libraries to be passed out to parents at beginning of the school year functions.
Summer Reading
Lynn asked for numbers of students that returned summer reading lists and the top titles that were read.
Oct. 9 County-wide Conference Day
Fall into Books is this day. Lynn will pay for registration. Lynn also announced that she would be on vacation October 1-2 but can be reached by email.
Mock Books
Our Mock books is scheduled for January 7. Lynn asked for recommendations for any Newberry or Caldecott books, Printz recommendations go to Livia. This event will be just for Sullivan County librarians this year, with the possibility of sharing the day with RCLS. It has been scheduled to take place in the Career & Tech dining room. Lynn asked for everyone to register immediately.
Upcoming events
Copyright workshop December 2 at MHRCC, New Paltz.
Adjourned with a motion from Julia seconded by Melanie.
Respectfully submitted,
Jill Parks
Sullivan County School Library System
Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2015
In attendance: Lynn Miller, Melanie Schwartz, Sara Space, Michelle Musetti, Jill Parks, Michele Prestianni, Livia Sabourin, Julia Serrano, Roger SIlverblatt, Louis Spataro, Joy Tunno, Julia Levner, Michael Moss, Jennifer Palmentiero
Council Meeting
-Administrative Awards- none
-Minutes of September Meeting
Accepted on a motion by Livia, seconded by Melanie.
-Curriculum Websites
Roger requested these be archived on the BOCES SLS website. He also recommended theslideshow.net - type a search topic and it will create a slide show from Google images or tumbler.
Membership drive this month. Membership is $25, you can renew online. We are aiming for 100% participation from the county. Events are being planned including one in June at FDR Museum. Suggestions for other events are welcome.
-SSL News
The Spring Conference is in May at the Desmond Hotel, Albany. If membership cost is holding you back from joining pay whatever you can afford, number of members more important to the organization. You can join at NYLA.org
-Plan of Service
Due April 1st.
-CCD Coser
Eight schools have lists in, Lynn asked that the rest get their lists in as soon as possible. Motion was made by Joy to accept those that were handed in and for Lynn to order rest as she receives them, it was seconded by Livia.
Liaison Business
-Copyright Workshop at MHRCC
Lynn, Lou and Jill attended on December 2. Lynn gave a brief overview of the workshop.
-Mock Books
January 7 at BOCES main campus dining room. Randy will attend and possibly some public librarians as well. Lynn encouraged those in attendance to take books from the lists.
-Inquiry Immersion Weekend
Fliers were distributed. Teacher/librarian teams are encouraged to attend. BOCES will cover $100 conference cost.
NYLA is working on a bill to mandate Elementary Librarians. Lynn reported that there is a shortage of people graduating from MLS programs.
Library Lobby Day- March 2. Bus available will make stops in Nyack, Newburgh and Kingston.
- County Conference Day
February 12. New devices and bluetooth scanners will be distributed during our meeting at Monticello High School. The day may also include Skype with other school libraries. Monticello High School will also be having a mini tech conference. We can sign up for any tech sessions.
Next Council Meeting March 8.
Meeting adjourned on a motion by Julia, second by Melanie.
Respectfully submitted,
Jill Parks
Sullivan BOCES School Library System
Council/Liaison Meeting
March 8, 2016
Model Schools Lab
In attendance: Lynn Miller, Melanie Schwartz, Michelle Musetti, Jill Parks, Livia Sabourin, Julia Serrano, Roger Silverblatt, Julia Levner and Stephanie Vanacore.
Council Business
- Call to order
- Introductions of members
- Administrative Awards
Nichole Horler, Kaiser MS
Mark Plescia, Sullivan West High School
For their encouragement and support for their school libraries.
- Minutes of Council Meeting: Dec. 12, 2015
Accepted on a motion by Michelle, seconded by Stephanie
- Curriculum Web Sites
Websites from past meeting minutes will be added to BOCES SLS website.
Livia recommended- http://trianglefire.ilr.cornell.edu/story/introduction.html
Jill recommended https://ldc.org/sites/default/files/LDC-Template-Task-Collection-2.0.A.pdf for writing lessons aligned to the common core.
Michelle recommended subscriptions to two scholastic resources; Scholastic Choices and NYTimes Upfront. Good publications with quality web sources included.
Lynn recommended https://www.readingrainbow.com/skybrary-family (school procing available).
Melanie asked for recommendations for ancestry cites other than Ancestory.com. Lynn recommended New England Ancestry, Digital Public Library, New York Heritage digitalized newspapers.
- SENYLRC news
Replacing current SEAL catalog. Requests will soon be delivered via email. Judy will present and train new format, possible in May.
Planning an Academic/HS librarian meeting about students transitioning from HS to college.
Rip Van Winkle Brunch set for first Saturday in June. This year’s award will go to Nick
Bruel. Will be held at FDR Museum, Henry A. Wallace conference room. Registration includes museum pass for the day.
We need a new Sullivan County Rep. for next year. Position requires attending monthly dinner meetings in Newburgh, talk to Livia if you are interested.
Please join or renew your membership.’
- SSL news
It is essential to the organization to get membership up. Anyone can join or renew at
new member price of $25.
SSL Conference- May 5-7 The Desmond Hotel, Albany. Lynn will cover registration cost for anyone who registers by April 1.
- Plan of Service review
Completed online version accepted on a motion by Michelle, seconded by Melanie.
- CCD coser: school wishlist
All but one are in. Most libraries have received first shipment, more to come.
Rosen digital- new sets are coming out in August focus on frameworks. Lynn is working with Jennie Williams (teacher center) to combine funds in order to afford more of the new sets. Lynn asked that we get input from teachers as to which set would be best to leave out if we can’t afford them all. Michelle recommended leaving out European Explorers of the New World, Julia L. agreed.
Liaison Business
- Inquiry Immersion Weekend
Lynn presented an overview of the workshop, she showed Olga Nesi’s website.
- March Book Madness 2016
Lynn reported that it was going well, first round winners will be announced Thursday March, 10.
- NOVELny database committee
Lynn has been asked to serve on committee as rep. for school libraries. Meeting details are confidential but she was able to report that vendors must have a state contract to be considered. Contracts will most likely be for 3 years. State librarian pushing for more funding. Committee looking closely at usage. They want to serve multiple populations. Decision expected to be made late May- early June.
- Summer Reading Program: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer/explore.htm
Most books are set in or are about NY, both fiction and nonfiction. Randy is planning to get information to us late May, early June.
- Advocacy:
- Elementary school librarians
Pushing for mandated SLMS in elementary libraries.
- Library Lobby Day, March 2, 2016
Lobby day last week, was a good turnout, many legislators at the rally. They still want people to go to website to voice support. Government recommending flat funding, waiting for legislature to agree.
- School sharing
Livia shared that if you have public library certification, you may have to now renew
every 5 years, check email she sent out.
- TLC issues
- Fall into Books
Was advertised to be held at Ulster BOCES, due to construction issues, a new location needs to be found which may mean a change in date. They are still taking workshop proposals, especially for elementary and middle aged groups.
Motion to adjourn made by Livia, seconded by Michelle.
Next meetings, May 10
Mar 11, 2016 - Conference Day, LM, R, BOCES
May 5-7, 2016 - SSL Conf. @ Albany – Desmond Hotel
Jul 28-29, ‘16 - SSL Summer Leadership Retreat
Sullivan BOCES School Library System
Council/Liaison Meeting
May 24, 2016
Yaisou Cafe
In attendance: Lynn Miller, Melanie Schwartz, Jill Parks, Livia Sabourin, Julia Levner and Stephanie Vanacore, Mike Moss, Jeanne Fiedler, Amy Andrews, Paula Gray, Lisa Perkowski, Louis Spataro,
Council Business
- Call to order
- Introductions of members
- Administrative Awards
Nichole Horler, Kaiser MS and Mark Plescia, Sullivan West High School will receive their
awards, for encouragement and support for their school libraries, next week.
- Minutes of Council Meeting: March 8, 2016
Accepted on a motion by Livia, seconded by Julia.
- Curriculum Web Sites - None
- SENYLRC news
Still working on replacing current SEAL catalog. Requests will soon be delivered via email.
Livia distributed fliers for upcoming events including Makerspace Boot Camp at Honor’s Haven from July 6-8. We need a new Sullivan County Rep. for next year. Position requires attending monthly dinner meetings in Newburgh, talk to Livia if you are interested.
- SSL news
Summer Leadership Institute is being held July 27-28. This year’s theme is “Back to the
Book” with Olga Nesi presenting book hooks.
NYLA will be adding a pre-conference workshop on coding in Saratoga in November.
- System-wide database & eBook purchases
Due to imminent changes in Easybib, the council decided to change to Noodletools.
Will also be adding Exploring Nature for grades K-12 for science inquiry curriculum
4 Spotlight series eBooks coming out in August. Libray Services Coser and Teacher Center paying for us to have access to all 4.
Honoring our retirees
Mike and Jeanne were both honored and presented with their retirement gifts.
Liaison Business
- March Book Madness 2016
Lynn handed out certificates.
- NOVELny database committee
Lynn reported that committee recieved quotes from companies. There will be some changes but not until next year.
- Summer Reading Program: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer/explore.htm
Most books are set in or are about NY, both fiction and nonfiction. Randy is planning to get fliers out to us soon. Contact your public library for more information.
- Advocacy:
Elementary school librarians
Pushing for mandated SLMS in elementary libraries.
Teaching certificate renewals
SLMS with permanent certification will have to go into Teach and update data in your
birthday month. State Ed. still working on details for other certificates.
- School sharing
Livia shared that she will be holding an Active Trivia Challenge Night.
- TLC issues
Running slow for some, Lynn will check it out.
Motion to adjourn made by Livia, seconded by Stephanie.
Next meetings September 28, November 1
June 10-12 - Teen Book Fest @ Newbugh Barnes & Noble
Jul 6-8 - SLMSSENY’s Makerspace Boot Camp @ Honor Haven
Jul 12 - Valuable Teaching eResources That Don’t Cost a Penny @ SCB Admin
Jul 28-29 - SSL Summer Leadership Retreat
Aug 9-10 - Text Set Projects @ Mt. St. Mary College
Oct. 28 - Fall Into Books @ Crestview Conference Center, West Nyack
Nov. 1 - Kapco Book Repair for all library personnel and SLS 2nd Quarterly meeting.