Overdue Material Policy

1.       All materials are due back in the Library on the date marked.  As an attempt to reduce the large number of overdue library materials and make the library’s collection more available to all patrons, overdue fines will be charged on all materials returned after the due date.  Borrowing privileges will be suspended until all overdue library materials are returned or replacement cost is paid if lost.  Borrowing privileges will also be suspended once fines exceed $5.00.  If a lost item, which as been paid for, is found and returned in acceptable condition within 30 days of payment a refund will be given.


2.       There will be a fine charged for overdue videos at a rate of $1.00 per day/per item up to the value of the item. There will be a fine charged for all other library materials at a rate of ten cents per day/per item.  If overdue materials are renewed, a fine will still be owed for the time between due date and renewal date.  Only one renewal will be allowed for all library items. 


3.       Patrons with overdue material will be notified weekly either by phone or mailed notice.  If overdue library materials are not returned within ten (10) days from the date of the second mailed notice, the library will consider them lost.  Once items are considered lost, overdue fines attached to these items will stop accruing and no further notices will be sent.  The patron will now be required to pay the replacement cost of the item if not returned, as well as the overdue fine, before borrowing privileges will be reinstated. 



Iowa Code 714.5 and 808.12 Post According to Iowa Law





Reviewed and revised by Library Board of Trustees April 21, 1997

Reviewed and revised by Library Board of Trustees December 18, 2000

Reviewed and revised by Library Board of Trustees  June 21, 2004, February 21, 2005

Reviewed February 2008, Revised February 2011

Reviewed May 2015

Reviewed March 16, 2015

Reviewed April 16, 2018