Local History & Genealogy

Local History & Genealogy


Leisa Horness

1 (855) 572-6657 ext. 102


Monday 8-5
Tuesday 8-5
Wednesday 8-12

The Lonoke / Prairie Regional Library System offers genealogy services through our resident genealogist, Ms. Leisa Horness. Ms Horness is primarily located at the Arlene Cherry Memorial Library in Cabot, Arkansas Mondays and Tuesdays from 8am-5pm, and Wednesdays 8am-12pm.

Our historical archives focus on Lonoke and Prairie Counties and include microfilm of the Lonoke Democrat Gazette, Carlisle Independent, and England Democrat.  Records of Lonoke County cemeteries are also available.

Through the genealogy program our system also provides Ancestry.com access and use of genealogy books which are not available for check out.

For more information contact Ms. Leisa Horness at 1 (855) 572-6657 ext. 102

Looking for information on local history & genealogy? Use this form to contact our Genealogist, Leisa Horness.



Ancestry Library Edition brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to your library. It’s an unprecedented online collection of individuals from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and more.

Visit your local Lonoke/Prairie County Regional Library to use our Ancestry.com resources