• Distance Learning
    • Distance Learning
      • Distance education at SEARK College is coordinated by the Distance Learning Division office which is located in the Library and Center for E-Learning.
Distance learning at SEARK College






Distance Learning at SEARK College

Distance education at SEARK College is coordinated by the Distance Learning Division which under the direction of Meagan Coats, 870-850-3124 or mcoats@seark.edu

Internet courses are delivered through the Internet (World Wide Web) on the MOODLE course management platform. A link to MOODLE is located on the College's home page at http://www.seark.edu. The direct URL for SEARK College's MOODLE site is http://seark.mrooms3.net

Internet courses require regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection. The student must be able to change certain of the computer's settings and may be required to download software. Slower Internet connections may make on-line courses frustrating and taking exams difficult. On-campus or proctored testing will be required. Internet students must be self-disciplined and self-motivated. Some Internet courses have set deadlines for course work while others allow students to work at their own pace. Internet courses generally require more reading than a traditional class, so adequate reading comprehension is necessary for success.

ALL on-line students will need to call (870-850-3118), e-mail moodlehelp@seark.edu, or visit the College’s Library & Center for E-Learning to schedule their appointment for their proctored exams.


  Students MUST PRESENT A CURRENT STUDENT ID in order to take their exams.  


Orientation for students enrolled in distance learning courses will be provided in a format appropriate to the delivery method of the course.

Orientation for students enrolled in Internet courses will be "on-line" at the MOODLE site. It is not necessary to be registered in an online course or to login to MOODLE to review the orientation.

The Distance Learning Coordinator is available to provide assistance and technical support to students enrolled in distance learning courses. The Coordinator is also available to work with SEARK College faculty in developing new distance learning courses. If the Coordinator is unavailable, Library staff can assist with MOODLE and/or distance learning questions. All questions about individual course content, including assignments, must be directed to the course instructor.

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