SEARK College Library collections

Library Collection

 In the library world the term "collection" is used to describe material grouped together because of some common characteristic. A "collection" can be a group of things physically located in one place or of material of the same type even though individual items may be located in different places.

 In the SEARK College library there are collections of both types.

The Reference Collection and the Circulating or General Collection are examples of collections where things are grouped together regardless of physical type. Both collections may contain books, videos, CDs, DVDs, etc., but are housed together because the collection has certain rules which govern the use of the material regardless of type. Reference material does not leave the library, except in special cases. The Circulating/General material can be "checked out" or loaned to authorized users for use outside the library.

Some collections are both composed of like material and grouped together in the library. The SEARK College Archives is an example of that type collection.

Collections of similar types of material that are not necessarily housed together include: Videos and DVDs, CDs, Audio Cassettes and special items, like the Puppets and Story Telling Materials which are included in the Early Childhood Paraprofessional Collection.

Different types of material and/or collections have different rules about how they can be used.

  •  Reference material cannot be checked out, except by faculty members.
  • General (or Circulating) items can be checked out for various periods of time depending on its type:
  • Books & audio tapes - 2 weeks
  • Videos & CDs - 1 week
  • Non-current periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers) check out for 1 week.

Most loans can be renewed for the same period as the original loan, unless another library user has requested the item(s).

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