Internet and applications computers


The Library has 22 computers available for public use:

Each computer has full internet access, Microsoft 2016 programs, 'Electronic Databases', the Library Catalog. Each computer prints to a networked printer located in the printing area to the left of the circulation desk. Each currently enrolled student has $5.00 for copying (printing).Need more copies (printing); students can purchase more copies at the Cashiers Office in Student Servicesl $2.00 is the minimum amount that can be purchased.  Black and white copies are 5 cents=40 copies and color copies are 10 cents=20 copies. The student username is the student's SEARK ID number (00123456). The password is the student's 6 or 8 digit birthday (Jan 02, 1982 would be 102182 or 01211982). Use of all library and College computers is governed by the College's Technology Use and Copyright Policies. Both policies are posted in the Library, included in this "Library Information" posted on the College's web site at, and printed in the College's Catalog and Handbook. Individuals using the library's computers are responsible for knowing and abiding by the policies.

Children are not allowed to use Library computers unless under the direct supervision of a responsible adult. Any problems with the computers should be reported to a library staff member.

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